Monday, April 21, 2008

Getting Started

Hello everyone,

Well I've decided to take another plunge into the blogging world. I kept up with my Xanga site for awhile until I realized that it was falling under the stereotype of 14-year-old girls who have nothing better to do. Hopefully this blog can be a bit more of a creative outlet.

I'd like to think that the title of this site stems from the idea that some of the most remarkable people are those that might seem to be just faces in a crowd. People who, like endless cul-de-sacs and whitewashed shutters, might seem to be the essence of conformity. But people who, underneath their cubicle jobs and drive-thru lunches, have ideas. Ideas about everything from the size of the universe to the smallest atom. Ideas about how a government should serve its people. Ideas about what makes a baby laugh or how a composer channels landscapes and distant horizons with the stroke of a bow on a string. Ideas about what causes DNA to work in perfect accord to sustain life. Ideas about what starts wars and what ends them. Ideas about God and infinity. These are the heroes who long for something more, and who wish to soar higher in their dreams - anticipating the day when they will find themselves in their dreams awake.

This blog is for these superheroes.

With anticipation,


1 comment:

racherie said...

yay! love it. also, you are only one mckinney... you should really sign your post as (square root)mck^2

keep it up